Articles Tagged Religion - Page 23

Famous "biblical" passages that are oft quoted but never actually found anywhere, on any page, of any bible. Before you get your free online ordination, here is something to remember before officiating a ceremony or giv ...

Category: Ceremonies Christianity

Omitting parts of the Pledge of Allegiance during a US Open Broadcast creates a firestorm of fury from religious organizations. On June 19, 2011, NBC made a mistake they are sure to regret long into the future. During t ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Spirituality Citizens Rights

Miraculous Moments: True Stories Affirming that Life Goes On Elissa al-Chokhachy, MA, RN, CHPN Birth, death and the order in which they fall are some of the only universal truths and consistencies throughout the entire ...

Category: ULC Books

By: Wendy Rae - Guest ULC Ministries Blogger You Are Energy Did you know that your well-being vibrates and communicates to the universe and others in an invisible and undetected way? While raising your vibration has be ...

Category: Guest Blogger Spirituality