Gay Weddings - ULC Blog

French for “seamanship,” matelotage represented an economic partnership between two men aboard 17th century ships. However, historians find many parallels between matelotage and modern-day same-sex marriage.

Category: Gay Weddings

Getting ready to marry the love of your life brings many joys. Planning a wedding can also trigger a lot of painful reminders that society does not always have you, your beloved and your friends in mind when it decides w ...

Category: Gay Weddings

Once upon a time, a wedding signified a rite of passage between American childhood and adulthood. When a couple got married, whatever their ages, they were publicly declaring that they were two responsible adults ready t ...

Category: Gay Weddings Weddings

Since Pope Francis was elected Bishop of Rome in February, he has been drawing a younger crowd to the Catholic faith with his more moderate and even liberal views on controversial political topics. Since he began his pap ...

Category: Gay Weddings Religion

Same-sex couples deserve the same marriage rights granted opposite-sex couples this is the prevailing sentiment of the majorities of several national legislatures. Within the course of a single month, the legislatures of ...

Category: Gay Weddings

There are a handful of places in the United States that are "hotspots" for marriages performed by Universal Life Church Ministries ministers. These areas include Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and the metropolitan ...

Category: Equal Rights Gay Weddings Weddings

The governor of the State of Washington, the state where the Universal Life Church Ministries is located, has begun an impassioned push for gay marriage. As we have indicated many times before, the ULC firmly supports ma ...

Category: Gay Weddings Weddings

History was made on July 24th, 2011 by the Pop Up Chapel and the ULC got to be there for it. Though we ordain hundreds of people every day, the Universal Life Church rarely gets to witness the weddings performed by our ...

Category: Equal Rights Gay Weddings

Online-ordained ministers of the ULC are helping to make gay marriage a reality While straight men and women from across the country have become lawfully married thanks to the services of Universal Life Church Ministrie ...

Category: Gay Weddings

Gay marriage is more prevalent than ever, but how should couples navigate the big day? Marriage, a time honored tradition wrought with etiquette is beginning to change and expand. In honor of these changes, the Universa ...

Category: Gay Weddings Weddings