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Cemetery weddings are growing in popularity, offering a unique way to celebrate love while honoring the past. Why are couples choosing this unconventional venue for their big day?
Category: Weddings
The Feast of Corpus Christi, or the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, is a significant observance in the Catholic Church dedicated to celebrating the Eucharist's mystery. It emphasizes the joy of the i ...
Category: Christianity
During her last week at The Today Show, longtime Universal Life Church minister Hoda Kotb had a heartfelt and emotional reunion with a couple she wed live on TV, as they celebrated her impact on their love story.
Category: Weddings Perform a Wedding
Wicca is a modern pagan religion that has captivated the interest of many. As this religion becomes more visible in mainstream culture, questions arise about what exactly Wicca entails and what its followers believe. Her ...
Category: Religion
Jewish families across the globe will settle into their Passover seders at the end of April. The festival is a poignant commemoration of liberation and deliverance from slavery going back to the time when Jews resided in ...
Category: Judaism
Across cultures and religions, there are a number of traditions that seem to have similar origins. One example of this is the “evil eye.” According to historians, the belief that someone can cause misfortune or bad l ...
Category: Superstitions
Though it is considered one of the biggest and most widespread religions across the world, there are plenty of people who do not know much about Christianity. Considered one of the Abrahamic religions, Christianity is ce ...
Category: Christianity
In a momentous event that bridges centuries and cultures, the historic Yen Cami Mosque in Thessaloniki, Greece, reopened its doors for Eid al-Fitr prayers for the first time in a century. This significant occasion marks ...
Category: Islam
Religion serves a very important purpose for humanity. By connecting with a higher power, people can feel a sense of comfort when faced with the many unknown variables of life. While there are hundreds of active religion ...
Category: Freedom of Religion
In Cuba, a country known for its vibrant culture and tumultuous history, a quiet revolution is underway. The Rev. Elaine Saralegui stands as a beacon of hope in the bustling port city of Matanzas as she leads a service i ...
Category: Equal Rights