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Have you ever noticed that churches with similar belief systems can still have widely different practices and traditions? This may be overwhelming or uncomfortable for someone exploring a new religion for the first time, ...
Category: Religion
Baptism holds a special place in a person’s spiritual journey. It is more than just a ritual; it's a transformative experience that bonds individuals with the divine and creates a sense of belonging within their faith ...
Category: Baptisms
Keeping up with what's going on in the world is important. It helps you become a responsible, informed citizen. As a person of faith, you can also pray in more detail for the world when you know what the needs are around ...
Category: Faith Healing
Faith is not always a constant experience, even for people who love God and their church. It is normal for the strength of your faith to ebb and flow, and it doesn't always have to be a catastrophic experience that trigg ...
Category: Spirituality
Faith is a fundamental part of many people's lives. It provides a lens through which they see the world. It offers comfort in difficult times and multiplies joy during happy occasions. There are basic aspects of one's sp ...
Category: Spirituality
As a person of faith, loving others and helping to meet their needs in any way possible probably don't seem like second nature. But the opportunity to do so may have been what drew you to your current faith community in ...
Category: Religion
People of most faiths believe in the power of God or some other cosmic power to provide the things they need or want in life. The phrase "God is in control" is bandied about among churchgoers, often intended as comfort. ...
Category: Religion Superstitions
Many communities of faith have feast days and yearly rituals that they observe. For Christian denominations that follow the liturgical calendar every year, each season has its own color, significance and traditions. The ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Faith communities, particularly in Western cultures, tend to focus on aspects of spiritual well-being. While strengthening faith is certainly a noble pursuit, it is also important to keep a broader view of the whole pers ...
Category: Spirituality
Having new people attend your worship service is exciting. It tells you that people are saying good things about what you are doing or at least that your advertisements are working. If you have been in church leadership ...
Category: Religion