Become Ordained Online - ULC Blog

Being given the job of officiating a wedding can be very exciting. In order to go above and beyond for the couple who asked you to take on this task, you need to be prepared in every respect for the duties of your statio ...

Category: Perform a Wedding Become Ordained Online

Freedom of choice is a beautiful thing. In the United States, it means we can pursue any religious path we choose — or none at all. It also means we can pretty much marry whom we choose, as ruled in the Obergefell v. H ...

Category: Online Ordination Universal Life Church Be a Minister Become Ordained Online

Ordination through the Universal Life Church opens the door to many possibilities. If you're considering getting ordained, you may have lots of questions. What does it mean to be ordained? Does it cost anything? Can I pe ...

Category: Online Ordination Become Ordained Online

Being asked to perform a wedding for a couple you adore can be a huge honor. For those who have never taken on this responsibility before, however, the request can also produce a bit of stress. There are many moving piec ...

Category: Online Ordination ULC Topics Become Ordained Online

Learn what it means to be an ordained minister, how to get ordained online, and how to put one's ordination to use performing ceremonies like marriages, funerals, and various religious and spiritual rites.

Category: Perform a Wedding Become Ordained Online

Officiating a wedding is not as complicated as many people believe. Still, it can be a huge honor. If you’ve been asked to preside over the ceremony of a couple you care about, then put thought behind how you go about ...

Category: Perform a Wedding Be a Minister Become Ordained Online

While some wedding ceremonies are secular in nature, faith can play a large role in many couples’ special day. Whether religious or not, wedding ceremony scripts contain special elements – each with its own purpose o ...

Category: Ceremonies Weddings Become Ordained Online

Many of the ministers who come to the ULC do so for one purpose, to officiate at a friend's wedding. You are not required to do anything to become ordained through the ULC. There is no training or courses that you have t ...

Category: Ceremonies Religion Universal Life Church Become Ordained Online

Nowadays there are some individuals that avoid labels like the plague. You might notice this if you start talking to a friend about a person or idea and are cut off and informed that he doesn't want to use a word that wi ...

Category: ULC Topics Become Ordained Online

Online Ordinations Are Similar to Regular Ordinations The modern world has made the ordination process, which used to be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming, something that can be accomplished with ease by any ad ...

Category: Online Ordination Become Ordained Online