Articles Tagged Bible - ULC Blog

The Bible might seem like a complete and comprehensive work, but it actually has gone through a number of heavy revisions over the centuries. The most notable shift to the text happened after Martin Luther inadvertently ...

Category: Christianity

Goats get a bad rap in the Bible, both metaphorically and literally.  But goats can represent a shortcoming of Christianity; picking out groups to be shunned and ostracized does not embrace the message of Jesus.

Category: Religion

Love others. It seems like such a simple concept, doesn't it? All you have to do when you interact with people is to see the love that God has for them and respond accordingly, but this is frequently more difficult in pr ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion

Pew Research recently released survey results that showed about half of Americans (49%) believe that U.S. laws should be influenced by the Bible. This figure is much higher among Christians, with 68% of all Christians wa ...

Category: Christianity

A Pew Research study found that 49% of Americans believe that the Christian Bible should have at least some impact on American laws and over a quarter believe it should have "a great deal" of influence.

Category: Politics Religion

Christmas, a holiday that began as a Christian take on pagan celebrations, has since turned into one of the most financially stressful and commercial holidays of the year. As you find yourself frantically trying to come ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Jesus Christ Pagan

A mysterious star resides 190 light years away from Earth in the constellation of Libra. Named HD 140283 by the astronomers who discovered it over 100 years ago, the star’s mystery is not due to its existence, but ...

Category: Science

Praying regularly can have many positive effects on a person's health and wellbeing. From reducing stress to improving your attitude, here are just a few reasons why you should consider frequent prayer.

Category: Health and Wellness Christianity

Pride is a driving force in drama. Combine pride with ambition and greed and you can bring down the hero and/or villain. “Beauty and the Beast” opens with the Beast refusing to provide shelter for the old wom ...

Category: Morality Religion ULC Topics

Pride is defined as “a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.” Probably the most famous ...

Category: Morality Religion ULC Topics