Morality - Page 12

Catholic Bishops are taking a stand. They are standing strong against the rights of women to receive birth control coverage as a part of their health insurance. The Catholic Church condemns condoms and hormonal birth con ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Health and Wellness Morality Politics

The march toward full legal recognition of same-sex couples has been building up momentum this week with a surprising jump in velocity, beginning with the repeal of Proposition 8. In a 2-1 vote, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Co ...

Category: Equal Rights Morality Politics Religion Social Equality

In the spirit of the holiday season, we here at the Universal Life Church Ministries want to share with our ordained ministers an update on our charitable gifts. We recently had the privilege of receiving a letter from t ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Health and Wellness Holidays and Observances Morality Religion

A curious story was covered in Sunday's edition of the CBS Morning Show--an emerging art and literary movement called "steampunk". The movement might be described as a re-imagining of Victorian Britain which includes Vic ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation Morality Science Spirituality Technology

Jesus said: "No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth." Matthew 6:24 Here in Seattle, we are ...

Category: Morality Politics

Why the ULC Ministries cannot stay silent on Pastor Richey's broken silence on gay marriage This is the third installment of the ULC Ministries's "Fear Blog" series where we highlight the ways in which fear is used in i ...

Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Morality Politics Social Equality

Poking fun at the "evil" in Japan's Pocket Monsters The second "Fear Sermon" post discusses the occult practices that some individuals find in Pokemon, the cute and innocent cartoon animals adored by millions of childre ...

Category: Morality

A Lighthearted, Humorous look at _Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, Part II _ This post is the first installment of our "Fear Blog" series, in which we ridicule those who use religion and pop culture to inspire fea ...

Category: Morality

The recent admission of online infidelity by New York Representative Anthony Weiner may have come as no surprise to you. Given his cryptic answers when questioned about the situation, there was certainly room to d ...

Category: Morality Politics Buddhism Christianity