Morality - Page 6

The first Domestic Violence Awareness Month was held 32 years ago in 1987. The concept began in 1981 as a way to connect advocates working together to end domestic violence. What began as a one-day event has turned into ...

Category: Aid Morality

This season may be coming to a close, but that doesn't mean you can't take a break from the fast pace of living this summer by picking up a book or two. Here are some newly published tomes that will give you a broader vi ...

Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Morality

Anti-Semitism, the hatred of Jews and the hellacious acts that often accompany it, is nothing new. It’s been around almost since the beginnings of recorded history. Its most notable exemplification was the Holocaus ...

Category: Human Rights Morality Politics Judaism

Euthanasia, the painless killing of a person suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma, is illegal in the United States. Assisted suicide, on the other hand, is legal in Washington, D.C., ...

Category: Morality Politics

As with so many extremely broad questions, the answer to this one depends on who you ask. For instance, Merriam-Webster defines virtue as the following: Conformity to a standard of right; morality A particular moral ex ...

Category: Aid Morality

Throughout the ages, ethics and religion have garnered considerable debate. At the one extreme are those who adamantly hold that ethics can only be derived from religion. At the other extreme are those who just as adaman ...

Category: Morality Religion

Pride is a driving force in drama. Combine pride with ambition and greed and you can bring down the hero and/or villain. “Beauty and the Beast” opens with the Beast refusing to provide shelter for the old wom ...

Category: Morality Religion ULC Topics

Pride is defined as “a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.” Probably the most famous ...

Category: Morality Religion ULC Topics

Ever wonder where the phrase “green-eyed monster” comes from? The green-eyed monster refers to someone who is motivated by jealousy and envy. The first recorded use of the phrase is from Shakespeare. During t ...

Category: Morality Christianity ULC Topics

Earth Day might be a ways behind us but going green in the church is a good way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the earth. Plus, it could save your congregation a few dollars on your utilities. Here are some sug ...

Category: Environment Morality Religion