ULC Blog - Page 137

When we hunted the land for our food and slept under the stars or in caves, we were considered primitive. When we did not worship gods or deities but the earth and stars in the sky, we were called uncivilized. Man unders ...

Category: Religion Social Justice

Throughout the modern world and the history of man, few social questions have been quite so divisive as those concerning the morality surrounding homosexuality. Much like similar social topics, views on homosexuality c ...

Category: Religion Social Justice

This article has been crafted specifically for the bride and groom who have decided to have a family member, loved one, or friend perform their marriage ceremony. Step One: Selecting Your Marriage Officiant Your first ...

Category: Weddings

Muslims across America are in the thick of celebrating Ramadan and are coming up with ingenious solutions to reconcile American culture and religious observance. Ramadan is a month long journey for Muslims as they seek ...

Category: Islam