Equal Rights - Page 6

As the Washington State Legislature holds hearings on a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in that state, social conservatives have ramped up their campaign against homosexuality and LGBT rights. The National Org ...

Category: Equal Rights Social Equality

In a recent blog entry titled "10 Reasons Why Homophobia Makes No Sense (Part 1)", we attempted to refute five arguments used to justify homophobia and deny LGBT people equal rights. Here we will attempt to refute the re ...

Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Politics Social Equality Citizens Rights

The Swedish government has officially recognized a new religion founded on the practice of file-sharing, called "Kopimism". Kopimists subscribe to the tenet that information and knowledge are sacred; for them the act of ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Religion Social Justice Spirituality

Conan O'Brien, the late-night talk show host and comedian, has been officially ordained by the Universal Life Church Ministries. As of October 21st 2010 he joins the ranks of our many celebrity ministers. Conan O'Brien ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom Freedom of Religion Social Equality Weddings

History was made on July 24th, 2011 by the Pop Up Chapel and the ULC got to be there for it. Though we ordain hundreds of people every day, the Universal Life Church rarely gets to witness the weddings performed by our ...

Category: Equal Rights Gay Weddings

Why the ULC Ministries cannot stay silent on Pastor Richey's broken silence on gay marriage This is the third installment of the ULC Ministries's "Fear Blog" series where we highlight the ways in which fear is used in i ...

Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Morality Politics Social Equality

This Legal Guide is a great resource for lesbian and gay couples in almost every situation. Wading through red tape and legalities is never simple, however, for marginalized populations it can be astoundingly and eart ...

Category: Equal Rights Social Equality Social Justice ULC Books

The ULCM commends New York on their efforts to ensure marriage equality for all citizens by passing legislation legalizing gay marriage! This bill marks the passage of same sex marriage in the largest state thus far; Ne ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom Politics Religion

From the desk of Brother Martin Freeman to Mary Hollinrake, Kent County Clerk For context, please read our blog post about Mary Hollinrake's interactions with one of our ministers. Dear Mrs. Hollinrake: The Universa ...

Category: Equal Rights

After 33 years of debate, ranging from polite to contentious, the Presbyterian Church (USA) has voted to overturn a ban on gay clergy. This decision is in no way absolute however, it only states that congregations may al ...

Category: Equal Rights Social Equality Social Justice