Equal Rights - Page 4

Two years ago, the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in every state. Although the law has been challenged, no one has been able to topple the civil rights that were won in 2015. In the same year, the Public Relig ...

Category: Equal Rights Religion

Last week, in North Carolina, a Starbucks barista reportedly bullied a customer who was wearing a t-shirt that supported President Trump. This isn't the first time a customer has been bullied for their political beliefs. ...

Category: Equal Rights Morality Politics Religion

The first of June marks LGBT Pride Month. The reasons that Pride Month is so important to the LGBT community are many. The fight to earn civil rights has been hard and those who worked so diligently deserve to be remembe ...

Category: Equal Rights Human Rights

Women's History Month March is all about women's history. If you're looking for a movie to watch one evening, here's a list of some great flicks about women making a difference. Some of these movies are funny, while o ...

Category: Equal Rights

The Boy Scouts of America will now allow transgender boys to join its ranks. Serving about 2.4 million boys and young men just in the United States, the organization has been around since 1908. The early years were not e ...

Category: Equal Rights Morality

As we get ready to celebrate Black History Month in February, let's take a look at some of the African-American women who made a huge difference in the history of America. Harriet Tubman was a former slave who led hund ...

Category: Equal Rights Holidays and Observances

On September 19 in Japan, the elderly will be celebrated and honored on what is actually a public holiday called "Respect for the Aged Day." Those individuals who reach the age of 100 receive a commemorative cup from the ...

Category: Equal Rights Online Ordination

Most people are aware that members of the LGBT community face discrimination and bullying, whether the individual is an adult or a child. Every day, there are news reports of laws being passed to prevent the LGBT communi ...

Category: Equal Rights Morality Online Ordination

When you hear terms like "religious freedom" or "religious discrimination," your mind may automatically jump to everything going on in the same-sex marriage world. However, there are other cases of true religious discrim ...

Category: Equal Rights Christianity

Over time, the family dynamic has changed. Just 40 to 50 years ago, a large percentage of women stayed at home to keep up with the house and take care of the children. Now, many work outside the home. Some wait for their ...

Category: Equal Rights Morality