Articles Tagged Gay Rights - ULC Blog

On February 15, 2024, a wave of change swept Greece as the nation became the first majority Orthodox Christian country to legalize same-sex marriage. This landmark decision passed in Greece's parliament with a 176-76 vot ...

Category: Equal Rights

June is Pride Month, and this means that there are probably multiple events in your city celebrating the diversity and inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ community. Many straight people in your faith community may want to get inv ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom Human Rights Morality

Halloween, that beloved holiday of trick-or-treat, costumes and masks, jack-o-lanterns, children’s and adults’ parties, and outrageous sugar highs, is almost upon us. But do you know why we celebrate this hol ...

Category: Uncategorized Aid Biblical Interpretation

One of the most influential plays of the 20th century would have to be “A Streetcar Named Desire.” Probably everyone knows the famous line, “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers,” s ...

Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Social Equality

The first of June marks LGBT Pride Month. The reasons that Pride Month is so important to the LGBT community are many. The fight to earn civil rights has been hard and those who worked so diligently deserve to be remembe ...

Category: Equal Rights Human Rights

Most people are aware that members of the LGBT community face discrimination and bullying, whether the individual is an adult or a child. Every day, there are news reports of laws being passed to prevent the LGBT communi ...

Category: Equal Rights Morality Online Ordination

Same-sex couples deserve the same marriage rights granted opposite-sex couples this is the prevailing sentiment of the majorities of several national legislatures. Within the course of a single month, the legislatures of ...

Category: Gay Weddings

ULC Ministers Can Perform Gay Weddings UPDATE: As of 2015, ministers can perform legally binding same-sex marriages in all 50 states. ORIGINAL ARTICLE: On Nov. 6, 2012, voters in Maine, Maryland, and Washington secu ...

Category: Online Ordination

As the Washington State Legislature holds hearings on a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in that state, social conservatives have ramped up their campaign against homosexuality and LGBT rights. The National Org ...

Category: Equal Rights Social Equality

This Legal Guide is a great resource for lesbian and gay couples in almost every situation. Wading through red tape and legalities is never simple, however, for marginalized populations it can be astoundingly and eart ...

Category: Equal Rights Social Equality Social Justice ULC Books