ULC Blog - Page 120

How to Tell if You Should Be a Minister People find fulfillment in a variety of ways. Some people pursue wealth and material possessions and only feel satisfied when they are spending money or have nice things. Others ...

Category: Be a Minister

Click hereAbout the Pronouncement of Marriage The pronouncement of marriage is perhaps the single most important thing you will do every time you perform a wedding in that it introduces the couple as man and wife (or ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

All of the certificates here are available for sale by the ULC Ministries. Please visit the "Minister Store" section of this site in order to purchase them. Ministerial Documentation This variety of certificate is me ...

Category: Ministry Products

About the Exchange of Wedding Rings It is traditional in Western cultures for the couple to exchange wedding rings during their wedding ceremony. The ring is placed on the fourth finger or "ring finger" of the left ha ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

THE CONTENT OF THIS POST DOES NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH MONASTERY. This post is meant to poke fun at people who actually believe in the bizarre viewpoints discussed below. God Is Angry: the Sign ...

Category: Disasters

Click hereAbout Wedding Vows Wedding vows, also known as marriage vows, are promises couples make to one another during their wedding ceremony about loving and honoring their new spouse. Wedding vows traditionally in ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

About the Greeting, Readings, and Prayers After the guests have been seated in the wedding space and the processional is complete, the wedding officiant begins to perform the wedding ceremony by welcoming those assemb ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

About the Processional Although it takes a variety of forms, the wedding processional is always the first component of every wedding. It involves the seating of the guests in the wedding space and the subsequent entranc ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

Exchange of Wedding Rings Online-ordained ministers of the Universal Life Church are more likely to perform a wedding for family, friends, congregation members, or complete strangers than do anything else. As such, the ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

Those of you who actively follow this site's Universal Life Church blog will have seen a couple of posts with the prefix "ULC Topics" in the past couple of weeks. These two posts are the first in a lengthy series that ...

Category: Universal Life Church ULC Topics