ULC Blog - Page 121

Blog by guest-writer Andre Olivie, Immigration Attorney The status of marriages officiated by Universal Life Church ministers is well-established when both parties are citizens of the United States. To unde ...

Category: Weddings

Does believing in an angry God cause mental illness? That was the question tackled by a team of scientists who studied the relationship between belief about God and mental health. What they found was that certain beliefs ...

Category: Spirituality

Same-sex couples deserve the same marriage rights granted opposite-sex couples this is the prevailing sentiment of the majorities of several national legislatures. Within the course of a single month, the legislatures of ...

Category: Gay Weddings

By facilitating interfaith ministers through its open ordinations, the Universal Life Church (ULC) has helped to establish crucial avenues for dialogue and cooperation between diverse religious traditions. In this era of ...

Category: Universal Life Church

With the Universal Life Church you can easily get ordained legally over the internet. You will be able to perform baptisms, weddings, and funerals. The ULC is happy to ordain those who wish to become clergy men and women ...

Category: Holidays and Observances

Holi is a Hindu religious festival that occurs each spring in the month of Phalgun of the Hindu calendar, or in February or March in the Gregorian calendar. Hindus observe it all over the world. Mirroring the arrival o ...

Category: Holidays and Observances

Nowadays there are some individuals that avoid labels like the plague. You might notice this if you start talking to a friend about a person or idea and are cut off and informed that he doesn't want to use a word that wi ...

Category: ULC Topics Become Ordained Online

Thousands of Seattle residents are fleeing the city this week following the announcement of its imminent destruction. Not due to a natural disaster or terrorist attack, but as a direct result of the wrath of God himsel ...

Category: Online Ordination

When a pope resigns, as Pope Benedict XVI did, the Catholic Church is left without a spiritual leader. Although day-to-day affairs can still be managed, as long as the papal seat is empty, the church is unable to truly ...

Category: Universal Life Church

As a longtime supporter of marriage equality, the Universal Life Church Ministries was not content to celebrate the passing of Referendum 74, and the subsequent legalization of gay marriage in Washington state, by itself ...

Category: Universal Life Church