Articles Tagged Politics - Page 5

If you're online at all, you've certainly heard about the fake news problem on Facebook. If you think this issue is limited to social media, consider the following headline, "Hillary's brain is about to EXPLODE!" publish ...

Category: Politics Technology

In one of two new books he will be releasing this year, Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY discusses politicians and prayer. Due out Sept. 8, Paul's book proclaims its purpose in its title, Our Presidents & Their Prayers: Proclama ...

Category: Morality Politics Religion

Understanding Where Science Denial Comes From Those of us who are concerned about the effects resistance to science on issues like climate change denial, evolution, and stem cell research have more than likely spent s ...

Category: Morality Politics Religion Science

64551407](/assets/ulc/blog/scaled/red-blue-usa.jpg){.alignleft .size-medium .wp-image-7542 width=300 height=294}As a wedding officiant, you may be asked to perform a ceremony of which you disapprove. You are encouraged t ...

Category: Religion

Catholic Bishops are taking a stand. They are standing strong against the rights of women to receive birth control coverage as a part of their health insurance. The Catholic Church condemns condoms and hormonal birth con ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Health and Wellness Morality Politics

Jesus said: "No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth." Matthew 6:24 Here in Seattle, we are ...

Category: Morality Politics

This last week was a tough one for those who oppose the death penalty on moral grounds: i.e. thou shalt not kill. We saw two very different men put to death in two southern states. These men and their circumstances cou ...

Category: Social Justice

Like the controversial "moral" issues of abortion and gay marriage, the debate concerning the usage of stem cells is not likely to subside any time soon. The argument pits two deeply-entrenched parties with firm ideolo ...

Category: Politics Christianity

Should religion and politics mix? They inevitably will, but the question is where and how. A debate has been raging, a "culture war" has been decreed and some are asking themselves "what would Jesus do?" while others ar ...

Category: Politics Religion

Where two conversational taboos meet, Jim Wallis artfully crafts a painfully accurate discussion on America's shortcomings and the possibilities for change and improvements. Jim Wallis has done something big. He has com ...

Category: Religion ULC Books