Spirituality - Page 6

Summer might be almost over, but it’s never too late to plan a vacation to take a spiritual retreat. Meditation and nature go together like peanut butter and jelly. You’ll experience the benefits of meditatio ...

Category: Health and Wellness Spirituality

You hear the word soulmate bandied about a lot these days. Often it comes out of the mouth of a bride who believes, or at least wants to believe, that she is marrying the love of her life with whom she’ll live happ ...

Category: Spirituality Superstitions

Believe it or not, around 4,200 different religions exist around the world. Some, like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, are well known and account for most of the world’s population. But never ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

A new Gallup poll released in April of this year reveals that the number of people who belong to a church, synagogue or mosque reached an all-time low of 50% in 2018. Church membership reached its high of 76% in 1948, an ...

Category: Spirituality Superstitions Freedom from Religion

Ask Americans if they believe in God, and 80% of them will say yes. But what God do they believe in? The one described in the Bible, or something else? These are the questions the Pew Research Center set out to answer in ...

Category: Religion Science Spirituality

Ever since the 1990s, America has seen an increasing number of people who self-identify as a None; i.e., someone unaffiliated with any particular organized religion. Nones also include those who view themselves as agnost ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

Throughout history, painters have depicted special people with auras; i.e., glowing lights. Think of the halo nearly always shown around the head of Jesus or around the heads of Mary, his mother, or of saints. In art, an ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

If you’re a thinker, the title of this article contains a flaw. The question assumes that there are differences between spirituality and religion. Sort of like the old question, “When did you stop beating you ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

“Captain Marvel” has made box office magic in the weeks since it has come out. “Avengers: Endgame” has been anxiously awaited by MCU fans long before “Infinity Wars” hit the big screen ...

Category: Morality Spirituality

The final three virtues that we’ll be discussing are faith, hope and charity, considered theological virtues. These virtues are mentioned together in 1 Corinthians 13: “And now faith, hope, and love abide, th ...

Category: Religion Spirituality ULC Topics