Articles Tagged Religion - Page 11

If you’re of a certain age, you likely remember “Touched by an Angel,” the wildly popular TV series that ran on CBS on Sunday evening (when else?) from 1994–2003. If you’re of a younger cert ...

Category: Religion Superstitions

As with so many other questions nowadays, the answer to whether atheism is its own religion depends on two things: who you ask and how you define your terms. While our question seems like a simple and straightforward one ...

Category: Religion Science

The Universal Life Church Ministries filed a lawsuit against Tennessee to block a recently-passed law that would bar ministers who received their ordination online from performing weddings

Category: Freedom of Religion Religion Universal Life Church

Throughout history, painters have depicted special people with auras; i.e., glowing lights. Think of the halo nearly always shown around the head of Jesus or around the heads of Mary, his mother, or of saints. In art, an ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

If you’re a thinker, the title of this article contains a flaw. The question assumes that there are differences between spirituality and religion. Sort of like the old question, “When did you stop beating you ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

Throughout the ages, ethics and religion have garnered considerable debate. At the one extreme are those who adamantly hold that ethics can only be derived from religion. At the other extreme are those who just as adaman ...

Category: Morality Religion

Pride is a driving force in drama. Combine pride with ambition and greed and you can bring down the hero and/or villain. “Beauty and the Beast” opens with the Beast refusing to provide shelter for the old wom ...

Category: Morality Religion ULC Topics

For the world’s two billion Muslims, Ramadan is the Holy Month of each year. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, beginning when the new moon appears and ending when the next new moon appears. This year, ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Religion

Pride is defined as “a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.” Probably the most famous ...

Category: Morality Religion ULC Topics

A new study published last month in Neuropsychologia links Christian fundamentalist beliefs to damage in the prefrontal cortex of people who adhere to this belief system. Jordan Grafinan of Northwestern University and a ...

Category: Religion Science