Articles Tagged Atheism - Page 2

China has the most people of any nation and also seems to have the highest percentage of people who claim no religious beliefs. Thailand is at the opposite end of the scale, with a reported 94 percent of its people claim ...

Category: Religion

An educator wonders whether his students may need more practice engaging in religious discussion in public. Students in his humanities class are eager to engage in topics ranging from identity to sexuality, to discuss no ...

Category: Religion School

The founder of the advocacy group Freedom From Religion Foundation has died at age 88 in Wisconsin. A pioneer in the effort to create a secular society, she leaves a legacy of activism that has inspired atheists, agnos ...

Category: Freedom Freedom of Religion Human Rights Science Freedom from Religion

Atheists win official protection from discrimination in matters of housing and employment in Madison, Wisconsin. Women seem to be coming forward as atheists in greater numbers than ever before. Leaders within atheist m ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Spirituality Freedom from Religion

In one of two new books he will be releasing this year, Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY discusses politicians and prayer. Due out Sept. 8, Paul's book proclaims its purpose in its title, Our Presidents & Their Prayers: Proclama ...

Category: Morality Politics Religion

"Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?" The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, also know as Pastafarianism, is a tongue in cheek religion supposedly founded by beer-loving pirates. The "FSM," this alternat ...

Category: Religion

Omitting parts of the Pledge of Allegiance during a US Open Broadcast creates a firestorm of fury from religious organizations. On June 19, 2011, NBC made a mistake they are sure to regret long into the future. During t ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Spirituality Citizens Rights

He is unapologetic and fanatical in his argument against religion and religious fundamentalism. In his book, The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins seeks to refute the idea of a personal god. He concludes that there is absolu ...

Category: ULC Books

In 2005, the Kansas State Board of Education held hearings to reconfigure how Evolution would be taught in the State's high school science curriculum. Unfortunately for high school students in Kansas the ...

Category: Religion ULC Books

edited by Joan Konner. If you are an atheist who is looking to reinforce old ideas or a believer who has never met an atheist before and wants to know what they think, The Atheist's Bible may be the book for you. The ...

Category: ULC Books Freedom from Religion