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When a pope resigns, as Pope Benedict XVI did, the Catholic Church is left without a spiritual leader. Although day-to-day affairs can still be managed, as long as the papal seat is empty, the church is unable to truly ...
Category: Universal Life Church
As a longtime supporter of marriage equality, the Universal Life Church Ministries was not content to celebrate the passing of Referendum 74, and the subsequent legalization of gay marriage in Washington state, by itself ...
Category: Universal Life Church
Those of you who actively follow this site's Universal Life Church blog will have seen a couple of posts with the prefix "ULC Topics" in the past couple of weeks. These two posts are the first in a lengthy series that ...
Category: Universal Life Church ULC Topics
The ULC Ministries staff frequently receives questions about the legality of its online ordinations, and we can't blame the people who ask these questions for being a little curious or even apprehensive about them. Our ...
Category: Universal Life Church
At long last, the Universal Life Church Ministries staff has put together a list of classic and contemporary wedding music and has posted it on our website store. A collection of eleven classical pieces, featuring songs ...
Category: Universal Life Church
For the most part, the men and women from around the world who get ordained online through the Universal Life Church can do many of the things "conventional" ministers do in the United States. This is because our church ...
Category: Universal Life Church
The following rant was posted on a message board devoted to calling out fraudulent organizations and other scams. It was subsequently discovered by a ULC team member who was alarmed to read the wild misconceptions some p ...
Category: Universal Life Church
{.wp-image-5206 width=240 height=188} Please add the ULC's page to your circle on Google Plus! Recent changes to Google's sea ...
Category: Universal Life Church
How to Become Ordained Being called to become an ordained minister is a spiritual adventure that many people may not choose to follow because they believe that becoming ordained is a long, drawn-out process. But becomin ...
Category: Universal Life Church