Weddings - Page 9

While most US states require Universal Life Church Ministries ministers to present some form of documentation when they file for a marriage license after performing a wedding ceremony, many do not. County clerks in sta ...

Category: Ministry Products Weddings

American marriage laws are confusing; they vary greatly from state to state - and even from county to county in some states - and can be subject to spontaneous and arbitrary changes if a judge or attorney general decides ...

Category: Weddings

A notice for Universal Life Church ministers who are looking to perform marriage ceremonies in the State of Tennessee: It has come to the attention of the ULC Ministries that our ministers occasionally experience issu ...

Category: Weddings

The governor of the State of Washington, the state where the Universal Life Church Ministries is located, has begun an impassioned push for gay marriage. As we have indicated many times before, the ULC firmly supports ma ...

Category: Gay Weddings Weddings

A quick note for Universal Life Church ministers who are planning on performing wedding ceremonies in Louisiana: It has recently come to the attention of the ULC Ministries staff that some Louisiana parishes (counties) ...

Category: Weddings

News broke on December 12 that Lady Gaga, pop music sensation and "Mother Monster" to millions of "monster" fans, is looking to become legally ordained online in order to perform a gay wedding ceremony for her frien ...

Category: Weddings

Conan O'Brien, the late-night talk show host and comedian, has been officially ordained by the Universal Life Church Ministries. As of October 21st 2010 he joins the ranks of our many celebrity ministers. Conan O'Brien ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom Freedom of Religion Social Equality Weddings

Gay marriage is more prevalent than ever, but how should couples navigate the big day? Marriage, a time honored tradition wrought with etiquette is beginning to change and expand. In honor of these changes, the Universa ...

Category: Gay Weddings Weddings

Thousands of the ULC Ministries's ministers fulfill both military and ministerial duties. The Universal Life Church Ministries is renowned for helping everyday citizens of the United States and other countries become le ...

Category: Ceremonies Weddings

A star from Hot Fuzz and You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger performs her first wedding. Accidents ensue. The Universal Life Church Ministries ordains hundreds of ministers every day through its quick, easy, and free onl ...

Category: Ceremonies Weddings