Articles Tagged Happiness - Page 6

It's completely natural for humans to crave companionship. While it's nice to be alone sometimes, most of us feel the need to spend time with other people. This may be a spouse, a parent, or a friend. Isolation for long ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Some new advice seems to align very well with traditional old advice that wise parents have given to young adults for ages it seems: marry your best friend. A new economic research paper has found that perhaps the best ...

Category: Weddings

His Holiness Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler, M.D. "â If you want others to be happy, practice compassion; and if you want yourself to be happy, practice compassion.' The Buddhist tradition has, like many o ...

Category: ULC Books

by: Kate Hawkes In my first ULC guest blog, I am jumping right into the heart of my current work. This has been a year of emergence into transformation. After a limbo period, I have now shed potential partners like snak ...

Category: Health and Wellness

By: Wendy Rae - Guest ULC Ministries Blogger You Are Energy Did you know that your well-being vibrates and communicates to the universe and others in an invisible and undetected way? While raising your vibration has be ...

Category: Guest Blogger Spirituality