ULC Blog - Page 13

Many people look for ways to turn their favorite recipes into something healthier, and parents often look for tips on sneaking vegetables into the foods their children love. When your kids enter their teen years, though, ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Many adults find it difficult to make friends. In grade school and college, you may have been surrounded by people and had so many solid relationships that you barely had time for them all. As people graduate and go thei ...

Category: Health and Wellness

The longer you are involved with a particular group, the more likely you are to be invited to be in leadership. This not only applies to your work life but also to church and other places you volunteer. Before you agree ...

Category: ULC Topics

Just about everyone has had the experience of missing a deadline. With the busy schedules many people tend to keep, it's almost inevitable. Procrastinating makes this potential issue even more likely. Procrastination of ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Everyone needs interpersonal support at some point. Some may seem to need more than others, but in order to thrive, all humans require external help to some degree. You may have heard of showing encouragement by learning ...

Category: Aid

Faith communities are known for wanting to take care of the needs in their cities. Your church probably has several ongoing projects that minister to the people around you. You may help feed the hungry, clothe the poor, ...

Category: Aid

Most people like to feel as if they have some measure of control over their lives. They may not want to think too much about the things that scare them, or if they do, they want to have a plan of action to avoid them. Yo ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Financial stress is a common experience for many people, especially those who live month to month. This pressure is often compounded when you try to manage money with a partner. Here are some tips for working through fin ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Many parents are often nervous as their kids enter their teen years. They have heard the tales of sullen adolescents who are suddenly embarrassed to admit they even have parents, much less to be seen with them. While the ...

Category: Health and Wellness

For many people of faith, taking care of the earth is important. Whether your motivation for doing so is respect for God's creation or the health and well-being of humanity, one tangible way you can minimize your own car ...

Category: Environment