Articles Tagged Mental Health - Page 2

If you are a teacher or a parent, you have likely read a lot of articles or perhaps even attended classes on how to build children's confidence. One thing that many of these resources leave out is that modeling self-assu ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Joining a faith community is a great way to explore your beliefs and develop a deeper understanding of your religion. It can also have several other benefits too. As with any social group, your church can provide emotion ...

Category: Health and Wellness

When people ask you how you feel, you probably have a clear sense of how to answer. If you've been ill, you can give them an update on your physical health and thank them for their concern. When you have undergone stress ...

Category: Health and Wellness

When people wrong you, it is natural to feel angry or hurt. Forgiving them may seem unfair at first, especially if they do not acknowledge what they've done or show any remorse. Over time, however, holding on to grudges ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Imagine that after a stressful week with work, family and social obligations pulling you in many different directions, you get to go away to a secluded cabin on the beach or in the mountains. All weekend long, you have t ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Mental resilience is a key concern for many adults who struggle to balance work, family and social obligations. Building a strong sense of self-worth and habits that support good mental health starts in childhood, though ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Taking good care of your faith community and the relationships in it requires building trust among its members. A healthy level of trust within a social group is marked by a combination of honesty, openness, reliability ...

Category: Health and Wellness

There are many things that can affect your mental health. Some issues are chemical, and others are exacerbated by factors such as the state of the world or personal stressors. Sleep anxiety can be brought on by a myriad ...

Category: Health and Wellness

One of the simple pleasures in life is reading a good book. Having fun is reason enough to want to read more often, but that doesn't mean it's the only perk. Other than enjoyment, there are many benefits of reading: Co ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Most people want to make the right choices for their lives and families. Making decisions comes more easily to some people than to others, though. Learning how to get yourself out of the stressful rut of indecisiveness c ...

Category: Health and Wellness