Eastern Philosophy - ULC Blog

You probably know all about workplace anxiety. Whether it’s attempting to impress your boss, trying to fulfill your responsibility to land that important new account, or falling into the grip of what has come to be ...

Category: Science Buddhism Eastern Philosophy

Some people think that karma is synonymous with fate. Others think that it is a system of rewards and punishments. Still others think that karma is yet another bunch of hooey that people glom onto when things don’t ...

Category: Buddhism Eastern Philosophy

Before you groan and go, “Oh great, another hippy-dippy, feel-good, I’m-okay-you’re-okay lecture about the value of self-centeredness,” stop right there. Zen principles definitely have everything ...

Category: Eastern Philosophy

In villages around the world, women take the lead in religious roles that may seem somewhat unexpected in Western traditions. In folk religious practices and observances from Asia to the Americas, from Africa to immigr ...

Category: Faith Healing Spirituality Eastern Philosophy

by: Bruce Magnotti Faith and belief are words that have lost their deep meaning in our language. This article is an attempt to regain some of that depth and understand why these concepts were so important to Jesus and t ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Religion Spirituality Bruce Magnotti Eastern Philosophy

In 1911 The Order of the Eastern Star was founded to proclaim the coming of the World Teacher that had been sought by the Theosophical Society. In 1912 Krishnamurti, who had been born in 1895 into a modest Brahmin home i ...

Category: Guest Blogger Bruce Magnotti Eastern Philosophy