Science - Page 2

The sound of a child’s laughter is one of the most beautiful, soul-brightening, mood-lifting things in the world, but why is that? While there may be a scientific theory behind this, the reason might be simpler than we ...

Category: Health and Wellness Science

According to Forbes, there is the placebo, and then there is the placebo effect. A placebo is the archetypal “sugar pill” — a pill that holds no medical value whatsoever but still miraculously alleviates medical ...

Category: Religion Science

We are saddened to hear yet another story of a stubborn pastor putting his congregation and his entire community at a heightened and unnecessary risk of contracting and transmitting coronavirus. This time around it’s F ...

Category: Morality Religion Science

Outside of China, Italy is the country worst hit by the coronavirus outbreak to date. As of mid-March, the country had 27,000 confirmed cases and 2,158 COVID-19 related deaths. Fewer than 3,000 people are reported to h ...

Category: Disasters Health and Wellness Science

The Indonesian Health Minister shocked many when he said that his government is relying on the power of prayer to keep coronavirus off Indonesian soil. And he's not the only one relying on God to keep his nation safe.

Category: Science

Atheists and theists often disagree as to the nature of belief or, more specifically, how and why individuals believe the things they do. Atheists often claim that believers are overly imprudent and have faith in things ...

Category: Religion Science

A mysterious star resides 190 light years away from Earth in the constellation of Libra. Named HD 140283 by the astronomers who discovered it over 100 years ago, the star’s mystery is not due to its existence, but ...

Category: Science

You probably know all about workplace anxiety. Whether it’s attempting to impress your boss, trying to fulfill your responsibility to land that important new account, or falling into the grip of what has come to be ...

Category: Science Buddhism Eastern Philosophy

Everyone knows the basic tenet of the theory of evolution as proposed by Charles Darwin in his 1859 book “On the Origin of Species”: That given enough time, organisms change because of the mutated traits they ...

Category: Science Technology

Cohabitation, whether prior to or instead of marriage, has become almost the norm in America. As of three years ago, approximately 65% of Americans said they approve of cohabitation, and over 70% of couples now cohabit b ...

Category: Morality Science