Articles Tagged Politics - Page 2

With important election results still being counted, it is interesting to look at the ways Americans identify with different candidates. Often, religious groups tend to lean one way or the other when it comes to politics ...

Category: Politics Religion Political and Religious Controversy

Election season is in full swing, and this year it seems the stakes of the outcomes are higher than ever. Reminders to vote are flooding social media platforms, arriving in text messages and emails to registered voters a ...

Category: Politics

The United States is known for being a country that values religious freedom through the separation of church and state. While politics and religion are meant to stay independent of one another, there is often a lot of c ...

Category: Politics Religion Political and Religious Controversy

With presidential elections quickly approaching in the United States, it can be interesting to see the different ways in which candidates appeal to voters. With religion being an important part of life for many Americans ...

Category: Politics Religion

While it is sometimes seen as more of a philosophy than a religion in the United States and other Western countries, it is important to remember that Buddhism does in fact have a religious structure and many deeply faith ...

Category: Aid Politics Religion

Catholics are an interesting group to watch during election season as they are a very diverse group with very liberal and very conservative members. What are Catholics thinking heading into the election?

Category: Politics

Issues concerning LGBTQ rights often pose big questions to politicians and religious leaders alike. While some churches continue to claim that having a sexual orientation other than heterosexuality goes against their tea ...

Category: Human Rights Morality Politics Religion

While the world struggles with a global pandemic, it may seem like almost everything else has been put on hold. Unfortunately, political tension and conflict still exist and may be made even more complicated by the dange ...

Category: Politics Religion Political and Religious Controversy

Two very interesting cases have been in the process of going through the Supreme Court in recent months. Both of them involve big questions about the intersection of religious and legal rights, and the outcomes may chang ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Politics Freedom from Religion

A Pew Research study found that 49% of Americans believe that the Christian Bible should have at least some impact on American laws and over a quarter believe it should have "a great deal" of influence.

Category: Politics Religion