You've probably heard many tips on how to have more inner peace. You may have a daily meditation practice and a self-care regimen that works well for you. At some point, though, you must leave the serene surroundings of home and step out into the world. How do you take that peace with you throughout the day?

Revise Your Break Schedule

It is important to walk away from work and other tasks on a regular basis throughout the day. You may even have breaks scheduled at regular intervals on your calendar. What you may not realize is how frequent those breaks need to be to maintain a sense of calm, especially if your work environment is not peaceful.

Many workflow experts agree that setting a specific number of breaks to take throughout the day isn't always the most helpful way to plan. Instead, look at factors that may directly affect your stress levels:

  • How much focus does each task require? The more intense the concentration you need to accomplish something, the more necessary it is to clear your mind both before and after doing it.
  • Can a task be broken up into smaller parts? If so, treat each part as its own separate task, taking a short break between them so that you are refreshed for the next step.
  • How loud is your work environment? Some people can easily ignore the chaos going on around them. If your workplace bombards you with more sensory input than is optimal for your best performance, however, you may need more frequent breaks to remain both productive and calm.

Make Patience a Practice

It is one thing to want or pray to become more patient. It is quite another to put this desire into practice. Unfortunately, the best opportunity for doing so is to face situations where patience is required. When you encounter conflict or opposition at work, your first instinct may be to avoid it to maintain your inner peace. It is better, however, to lean into the chance to find a solution so that the problem is fully resolved. This allows everyone involved to go forward without the issue lingering in the back of their minds.

Another component of practicing patience is learning to forgive. Once a conflict has been resolved, you may have residual feelings of anger. If you simply push them away or ignore them, they are likely to turn into resentment, which can upset the delicate inner balance you want to keep. It's in your best interest to fully process negative emotions so that they don't continue to weigh you down.

Know When To Step Away Fully

Whether it's the latest sales report or the ongoing feud between two of your officemates, it is easy to get drawn into anything that is happening at work. That doesn't make it healthy for you to get involved. With each new crisis that arises, take a moment to think about whether it's actually yours to handle or if it's better left to someone who is more directly involved or impacted.

Of course, this does not mean you should stop advocating for coworkers when possible or start carrying around a coffee mug that proclaims, "That's not my job." Instead, let the brief pause serve as a reminder that you are not always the answer to everyone's problem. Giving yourself this moment helps you sustain the peace that comes from knowing that when you do get involved, you are acting with intention rather than on impulse.

All the self-care and meditation in the world won't do you much good if you spend all day counteracting their benefits. Finding ways to sustain inner peace throughout the day may be challenging, but it's well worth the effort.

Category: Spirituality

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