~12 minute ceremony
This wedding ceremony script incorporates a beautifully romantic and inspirational message of love that covers the basic elements of a traditional wedding, but it also includes a ring warming ceremony, in which the wedding rings are passed around through the ceremony for each guest to contribute their positive thoughts and/or prayers to the bands. The couple then carries the positive energy forward with them. This version can be customized to fit the couple’s wishes – you’ll find the button to download at the bottom of the page.
Introduction/Welcome/Wedding Sermon
Officiant (to guests):
Hello and good afternoon/evening. _______________ and _______________, and I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you on this gorgeous day. _______________ and _______________ relationships have deepened and grown as a result of all of you—as a result of this powerful community—leading them to this point. Thank you for coming; now let's get them married.
Officiant (to couple):
_______________ and _______________, Your adventure began the instant you met. You spent the time to figure out what makes the other person happy, laugh, and how to best support them when life gets complicated. You warmly embraced each other's families, communities, and longstanding friends, and enthusiastically brought them together. With your love, you created a new community and have worked tirelessly to sustain it as it develops and flourishes. Now today, you will join as one, a bond that cannot be broken.
Officiant (to guests):
“Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you. May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years. May happiness be your companion and your days together be good and long upon the earth.”
(Apache Wedding Blessing – Shelter For Each Other)
Declaration of Intent
Officiant (to couple):
_______________ and _______________, please take each other’s hands. _______________, do you, _______________, welcome _______________ as your husband/wife/partner, offering him/her your love and encouragement, your respect and trust, as together you create your future?
Partner 1:
"I do."
Officiant (to Partner 2):
_______________, do you welcome _______________ as your husband/wife, offering him/her your love and encouragement, your respect and trust, as together you create your future?
Partner 2:
"I do."
Exchanging of Vows
Officiant (to couple):
_______________ and _______________, I invite you to share your vows at this time. Please take each other’s hands and recite after me:
_______________, you may go first.
Officiant (to partner 1):
Repeat after me. “I promise to you, _______________, that I will dedicate my heart and life from this day forward, to filling our days with laughter and beauty. I will celebrate your spirit and all of your accomplishments, I will work to inspire you, and be here to remind you of your beauty and strength. I take you today as my confidant, my partner, my spirit and the essence of my soul. I vow to love you for the rest of my life.”
Partner 1:
I, _______________, promise to you, _______________, that I will dedicate my heart and life from this day forward, to filling our days with laughter and beauty. I will celebrate your spirit and all of your accomplishments, I will work to always inspire you, and will remind you of your strength and beauty. I take you today as my confidant, my partner, my spirit and the essence of my soul. I vow to love you for the rest of my life.
Officiant (to Partner 2):
_______________, you may now share your vows.
Partner 2:
I, _______________, promise to you, _______________, that I will dedicate my heart and life from this day forward, to filling our days with laughter and beauty. I will celebrate your spirit, all of your accomplishments, I will work to always inspire you, and will remind you of your strength and beauty. I take you today as my confidant, my partner, my spirit and the essence of my soul. I vow to love you for the rest of my life.
Ring Ceremony
At this time, we will pass around the rings. This is called a ring warming ceremony. We are asking that as you pass the rings you share your blessings, positive vibes, and prayers. When the rings make their way back to the front, they will exchange them and carry your love on their journey through life together. These rings are starting out as cold pieces of metal, but they will return warmed with your love. Thank you!
(Rings are passed through family and/or guests)
Exchanging of Rings
These rings were chosen by you to signify the unbroken circle of life and love. Please repeat after me, placing them on each other's ring fingers.
Officiant (to Partner 1):
_______________, place your ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. I gift you this ring as a symbol of my commitment and to remind you of this day, when we pledged in front of our closest community that our love can transcend all obstacles, that our love unites, inspires, and celebrates, and will do so for the rest of our lives.
Partner 1:
“I gift you this ring as a symbol of my commitment and to remind you of this day, when we pledged in front of our closest community that our love can transcend all obstacles, that our love unites, inspires, and celebrates, and will do so for the rest of our lives.”
Officiant (to Partner 2):
_______________, place your ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “I gift you this as a symbol of my commitment and to remind you of this day, when we pledged in front of our closest community that our love can transcend all obstacles, that our love unites, inspires, and celebrates, and will do so for the rest of our lives.”
Partner 2:
I gift you this ring as a symbol of my commitment and to remind you of this day, when we pledged in front of our closest community that our love can transcend all obstacles, that our love unites, inspires, and celebrates, and will do so for the rest of our lives.
Officiant (to couple):
_______________ and _______________, I now pronounce you married, by the power of your love and dedication, as well as the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church Ministries. You're free to kiss each other!