~12 minute ceremony
Incorporating the unity ritual of sand mixing into a marriage ceremony is a wonderful way for the couple to symbolize the creation of their union and the seriousness of their bond. This sample script demonstrates one way to structure a wedding to include a sand ceremony.
Officiant (to guests):
Thank you for gathering here today to witness the marriage of _______________ and _______________ in the eyes of God. Your presence here for this celebration of the love between _______________ and _______________ is a gift they will treasure forever.
Officiant (to couple):
_______________ and _______________, you stand here before your family and friends to join your individual lives into a single union. Sitting before you are two vessels of sand signifying your lives before your marriage and one currently empty vessel that your commitment to each other will soon fill.
Officiant (to couple):
_______________ and _______________, I invite you to share your marital vows at this time. Please face each other and recite your vows to your partner before God and all gathered here today.
_______________, you may go first.
Partner 1:
I, _______________, take you, _______________, to be my lawfully wedded spouse/wife/husband. I vow to love and cherish you through the best and worst we may face. From this day, and forever more, I am yours.
Officiant (to couple):
_______________, you may now share your vows.
Partner 2:
I, _______________, take you, _______________, to be my lawfully wedded spouse/wife/husband. I vow to love and cherish you through the best and worst we may face. From this day, and forever more, I am yours.
Declaration of Intent
At this time, please join hands with one another.
_______________, do you take _______________ to be your lawfully wedded spouse?
Partner 1:
I do.
_______________, do you take _______________ to be your lawfully wedded spouse?
Partner 2:
I do.
Sand Ceremony
Officiant (to couple):
At the beginning of the ceremony I mentioned the vessels of sand representing your individual lives and an empty vessel representing your new life together. Your marriage today may represent the beginning of a new life together as one, but it is important to remember that this beginning is not simply a clean slate. Both of you bring to this marriage years of lived experiences that have made you the people standing here today and will continue to influence your lives in your marriage. Yet our free will allows us to grow and reconceive who we are as a person throughout our lives.
As you empty your personal vessel of sand into the middle vessel, consider how your life experiences have impacted your relationship with each other and also how together, united through marriage, you will continue to redefine the person you are as you navigate through life with a teammate at your side.
_______________ and _______________, please now pour the sand from your respective vessels into the center vessel, combining your two lives into one. Just as the individual grains of sand mix together and become forever intertwined – so becomes your lives through your union.
(Family members could be allowed to join the ceremony if the couple wishes)
Ring Exchange
Officiant (to couple):
As we come to the close of the ceremony, I would like to now invite _______________ & _______________ to exchange their wedding rings with one another. Just as a circle, the very shape of your rings, is neverending, so shall be your love and commitment to each other.
Officiant (to Partner 1):
_______________, place your ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “I give you this ring, a token of my undying love, as I give myself to you for now and for always.”
Partner 1:
I give you this ring, a token of my undying love, as I give myself to you for now and for always.
Officiant (to Partner 2):
_______________, place your ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “I give you this ring, a token of my undying love, as I give myself to you for now and for always.”
Partner 2:
I give you this ring, a token of my undying love, as I give myself to you for now and for always.
Officiant (to guests):
By the power vested in me by the state of _______________ and the Universal Life Church, I am honored to pronounce _______________ and _______________ as married! You may now seal your union with a kiss.